
By togrrrl


Wind rippled the surface of a puddle reflecting the tall trees lining the street. It was beautiful and calming. A reminder of what's important to me at the end of the day.

Work has been better for the last couple of days but there are changes afoot, not of my doing. I find changes scary and worrisome even though it is probably good in the long run. I'm really not sure what to do about my job except wait it out for a little while longer.

And my dad had a small operation today and that's also unsettling. He's fine thank goodness, but I'm not used to thinking of my dad as vulnerable. I don't like it and he doesn't like it either.

I'm thinking that I should have called this journal moods instead of moments since I seem to want to chronicle my moods. Although if I think about it, my moods are passing moments in my life!

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