Lost in Time...

By linkbekka

Fostex 280 Four-Track Recorder

This is my trusty Fostex 280 four-track cassette recorder.

I recorded a dozen albums on this little beast. It was a real bugger to get to grips with when I first bought it. Soooo many knobs and sliders and buttons. Even now I have to consult my notes if I want to use it.

But I no longer have much need for it as I now record digitally direct to the computer. Modern technology is just amazing. I`ve recorded and released three albums with a guy I collaborate with in USA -- and yet we`ve never met -- and have not even spoken to each-other! Everything is done via e-mail.

I write the lyrics, mail them to him. He then mails me back the acoustic guitar track with the melody. I then work on the track, adding further instruments and vocals. Once finished the CD is mastered and sold via our websites.

I love technology. But ain`t it difficult to keep up?! 3D TVs now on sale!!! i-Pads looking very tempting. Just bought this all-singing-all-dancing Fuji HS10 super-bridge camera. Updated my mobile recently.

Where will it end?! A robot maid in the house tending to my every need?

"No, it bloody won`t!" my wife yells from the other room.


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