Colin Parte

By ColinParte


I managed to sneak away from visiting my parents this afternoon for some Bliptime, using my wife and daughter 2.0 as cover. They distracted my mother, as I made tracks!

This chap was soaking up some Vitamin C. I like the way many of the older generation dress more formally than we do for almost any occasion. It's a sign of self-esteem and respect for others, IMHO. There were a couple of hundred sun worshippers in the park, but he was away on his own sitting quietly reading Wildlife magazine. He seemed to be very absorbed in it.

I enjoyed an ice cream, got my snaps, just missed another Blipster, Rutherfordium, apparently, and was back at Southfork before my absence was really noticed. (I call my mother Miss Ellie sometimes, as she is fond of Ye Olde Housecoats).

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