Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

And finally....

I have found both the camera AND the battery charger! So, all being well, I should now be back into blipping mode.

So, Happy Fathers Day to all. A bunch of us had the crafty idea of sending our very Darling Husbands on a kayaking trip down the Hudson. Perfect. They get to have a good ole bonding session, and we get to hang by the pool and barbecue stuff. It really was a fabulous day.

Had a few jumping and diving into the pool shots that would have been perfect, but it's still very early in the summer for what is going to be, I fear, my daily shot. So, instead, I thought I would share the pure joy of a 6 year old eating a Popsicle in almost 90 degree heat. God, I love Summer!

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