I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Summer shadows

What a monday! I have been a cat on a hot tin roof all day, but more about that at another time, safe to say I am a happy bunny for the moment but I will be on tenderhooks again on Friday.

Liked the shadows from my candles and the shadows they were casting, thought they were quite apt for the longest day somehow.

Off tomorrow as it is my eldests graduation from P school. Will need to remember my hankies, think it will be a bit emotional.
It seems no time at all since I was putting him into P1 with a big grin on his face and an adventure to begin, and now we have reached the other end and I am so proud of all his achievements and experiences that make him who he is, ready to take on the next set of challenges that his school life will set him. This has been a whirl wind of a year and I cannot believe we are in June again with the hols at the end of the week. Still alot to get through before they arrive though;)

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