mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Monday, Monday

As you can see all the nice weather is agreeing with the clematis.

Aidan is back to full fitness now and we were back to our first class of the week, Peep-Fit. Not many people were there this week but it was still a good class. There's talk of some messy play in the near future which should be fun! As it was nice I walked to Peep. I took a slightly longer route so that I could try and get Aidan to have a nap before the class. He didn't and was slightly grumpy, oh well.

I just realised today that most of Aidan's classes finish in the next 2-3 weeks and then I'll have to entertain Aidan myself for the summer!! Not sure what we'll do as it's still 11 weeks till I go back to work.

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