Devil & The Deep Blue Sea

By DavidP

Zeppelin Bend

I bit of a nautical blip today, this is my favourite knot, the Zeppelin Bend. Here's what Wikipedia has to say on the subject....

"A Zeppelin bend is an all purpose bend knot: it is a secure, easily tied, and jam-proof way to connect two ropes. Though its simplicity and security may be matched by other bends, it is unique in the ease with which it is untied, even after heavy loading. It is also referred to as a "Rosendahl bend", both names stemming from its use to moor airships (Zeppelin being a synonym for airship, and Charles Rosendahl being the airship captain who popularized this bend by insisting it be used to moor his craft). Despite being praised by some sources as "the perfect bend knot", the knot is not very well-known".

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