
By LadyFindhorn

Rusty Railings

When I saw the glorious midsummer night sky yesterday evening, I was sorry that I had already blipped for the day.

At 10.45pm towards the North West the sky was very pale blue but streaked with pink, crimson and purple. At 11pm it was looking more like a bruise with the development of an overlay of grey and yellow tinges
But there was still light in the sky and no artificial lights were needed to negotiate the stairs to the turret.
I couldn't help wondering what it was like in Shetland, so much further north or in Norway where they run a marathon , half marathon and 10k races starting at midnight.

In recent years, as I remember, midsummer has come and gone in cloud and general dreariness, so it made it all the more memorable to have such a lovely summer's day ending.

Having worked my socks off yesterday in the land of running and cycling machines, I felt I deserved a longer lie this morning, but the early sun and blue skies teased me out of bed and I found myself helmeted and clipped and cycling up to the Braids to take the air and admire the sleeping city from afar.

By this time the sun was high above East Lothian and winging its way towards the south, striking these rusty disintegrating railings on Braid Hills Road and making them glow red against the green field as it went.

Back home and after a general cleaning of windows in order that the forthcoming visitors can see out, I'm sitting back to enjoy the tennis and watch Andy Murray play on court no 1.
Will he or won't he, that is the question and the suspense will be huge, but we Scots are fairly inured to defeat. That doesn't stop us dreaming of great things.

His Lordship will provide us with a glass or three of wine to gladden the occasion, but unfortunately no strawberries. Tsk, Tsk.

Can I take up MaiT's challenge and be the first to say " My, but the nights will be fair drawing in soon"?

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