Images to inspire

By kenwindsor

Merry Christmas

Well, it is rather a sad moment for me today, as I have to announce that I will no longer be able supply daily photographs to this site. My personal circumstances dictate that one day I may go out and shoot 300-400 images, then I may not take any further photographs for another 3 weeks.

The intervening period is usually taken up with exhaustive editing and processing tasks, which need to be carried out to ensure that the highest professional standards are maintained at all times.

It would not be fair to bombard you with endless images taken from my window, or to produce images "on the hoof" which are not up to an acceptable standard.

The rule on here is clear, taking an image today, processing it, and then posting it in 2 weeks time is just not allowed.

Also, many of my new creations are collages and derivatives based on archive images, again this is just not allowed. The rule is based on the date of the original image, not the date of the new creation.

One of the wonderful things about being "retired" from full-time work is the fact that "deadlines" become a thing of the past. Photography for me is a passion to be enjoyed, not something to be bullied into doing just because it happens to be "another day."

Thank you all for your wonderful comments over the past few days, and a special thanks to Suki for her wise words. I shall continue to monitor the images here, and will continue to comment on other images. I will submit my own only when I have something current to contribute.

If anybody wants to get in touch for any reason, they can do so via my internet site mentioned on my profile page.

Time to ride off into the Glasgow sunset, if only I could remember where I parked my horse!

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