future growth potential

Possibly due to the effects of additive gene action I ended up three inches less tall than my father at his peak height despite the superior nutrition available in the seventies and eighties compared to the forties and fifties. At least along with the minus three inches inherited from my mother I also appeared to inherit most of her metabolism and fidgetiness. The wee wingpiglet will hopefully not be too affected by the general shorter heights of people on his mother's side though it will be some time before his eventual future dimensions can be estimated with any degree of accuracy. Father applied some sort of formula to my sister's heights at various ages and estimated that she would eventually reach 5'10", undoubtedly annoying her when she stopped at 5'7½" though she consoled herself by claiming that this was the same height as Adam Ant with whom she was mildly obsessed as a teenager. After trundling to Bruntsfield for a cake and coffee then dumping her back at the station to get the bus to the airport the remainder of us went to the botanics for another coffee and another cake, a small wander around then a longer wander back along the river and cycle paths. A fair amount of steps in total but many of them taken quite slowly and although the station-botanics leg was additionally weighted by a papoosed infant I ended the day feeling that there had perhaps been one or two too many cakes, especially considering tomorrow will be spent stuck in the flat attacking radiators rather than wandering about healthily outside.

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