Don't Worry-I'm a Pro

By AllenFreeman

New Kitten (again) Brando!

We lost or other kitten back in April to some mysterious kidney aliment (they think it was inherited.) anyway, we are back getting another one. We once went to adopt a kitten and when we went to the Humane Society and were filling out the form to get a cat this guy was next to us filling out the forms to drop off a cat. He said, skip the paperwork and just take a look at my cat. It turned out to be a 9 year old orange tabby. It was huge! Not a kitten at all. But my wife fell in love with it and we took it. We had him 5 years and he was the best. We called him PUNK. Ever since we wanted a baby we have one! A little 10 week old orange tabby.

We call him Brando.

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