A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Everything you could ever want

Today has been one of those days where blipportunities seemed to leap out at every turn. The winner comes from a visit this morning to the National Theatre Costume Hire dept which I am fairly confident has almost every type of costume, or costume related item you could desire. Here is but a tiny, tiny fraction. All arranged by period and often labelled with the names of actors, characters and plays.

I say fairly confident as there was one item on my list they couldn't help with - a headdress of deer antlers. Still, it was a long shot. Things they did help with included: Pope's Mitre, mortar boards, King's crown, breeches and tunic.

Also briefly popped into the props department which was equally mesmerising. Didn't stay long as they weren't able to help with the one thing I needed there - a dagger that releases blood - if you can help with either of these do please shout.

After that adventure wandered up to St James' Park to meet a friend for a very pleasant lunch in the sun.

Then homeward bound, well the pub at the end of our road, for the football. Great atmosphere and excellent result so hurrah all around for that.

Now I have to spring into action to ensure there is a match watching option at our Street Party which is happening Sunday afternoon. Still, probably preferable to it disrupting my brother's wedding on Saturday.

After all that excitement, a take-out and some chill out TV are hopefully next on the agenda.

Lesley x

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