Number one son

Cooler day today but as I told a colleague, my continual wearing of shorts is justified by the fact that many women are wearing skirts. To which she laughed and then for some reason seemed to encourage me to keep wearing them, haven't quite worked out why, maybe she just likes laughing discreetly at my 'lady legs'.

Home alone this evening, so this will be brief. Just done bath with number 1 son, and after a first fairly catastrophic feed wherein ill fitting milk bottle leaked all over the poor chap's clothes and mine, managed to perfect the technique with said bottle design. Hold vertically and do not move bottle one iota to ensure dry child.

Not a bad day, work 6/10. A bit achy after yesterday's badminton, what will happen when the season winds up.

Madame is off to see Philip Glass, why not indeed and music is thankfully again keeping me company at work.

So number 1 son sleeps peacefully, I touch lots of wood that it stay that way as there are lots of things to be done.

19° westerly wind

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