My Aim is True


oh, the irony

Oh, the irony, of finding these lying all over the shop.

I was at someone's house today. Someone that appeared to have 3 books. Two were of the self-help/diet genre and one was a cookery book.

Now then. I don't want to come over all intellectually superior here, but even if you're not really into reading (and I know lots of folk that aren't) you'd still have some books. Wouldn't you? An atlas? A dictionary? Your favourite childhood book? (apologies that was just a gratuitous link to an old blip of mine).

Perhaps I am doing this person a dis-service. Maybe they borrow books from the library.

My granny (the one that you cannae shove off a bus) read at every opportunity. But she only had a couple of shelves of books; she went to the library van at least once a week, sometimes twice. (No idea about the book reading habits of the granny that you could shove off the bus. I suspect that if she had any books they were probably books of witchcraft. The auld besom that she was).

Oh it's so easy to fall into the abyss that is You Tube. Isn't it? (another evening disappears)

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