Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


For more on the beautiful Rapunzels, and the love they shower on their wee brave, handsome brother, click here.

I'm feeling very lucky right now: I have the two most enjoyable jobs in the World: I'm a full time mother to two boys and a brand new part time photographer to the rest of the World.

Can a family really be any more photogenic than this whom I met today for the first time through our sons' shared syndromes in blogland. How wonderful to snap away and then chat with their mother (you can see from whence the girls got their looks) about the surprising blessings of life as a special needs mama after feelings of guilt, grief and pain, adapting to a new journey, finding beauty in everyday things. Looking forward to bringing the boys next time.

Seeing the 3 sisters play so harmoniously and watching them with their younger brother, made me feel a great and lovely warmth for my own two sisters and I started to imagine how we would have played as children together, with 2 older brother to look after us. One week and I'll be home in the UK to see them. God willing.

Technical note: After my delightful dabble with light in Spring, I'm looking for a new look for summer and will be turning to Coca-Cola retro for some inspiration I feel.

4Boys: thanks for all the questions. You must have me down as some technical nerd. I'll Google what you asked and let you know ;-) (PS ordered the 85mm f1.8mm with my earnings yesterday after trialling it at the wedding. All these shots here though taken with the Nifty Fifty. Only another 1,000 to review but I must start getting some sleep this week, what with being up for the footie every morning c'mon England, the shoots and of course, life as Catherine and my boys Mama. It's 2am and I've got to be up for school in 6hrs.)

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