Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

I Heart Alan Wake

About 6 weeks ago I entered a competition to coincide with a game launch that I've been looking forward to for a long time (ie 5 years, since they announced it). You had to take a photo of the game display in a local shop, so I snapped away in Game and sent it in. It was nothing special but all you had to do to secure your name in the draw was do this so I thought 'what the hell'.

About a week ago I had a really vivid dream that I was opening the box of prizes and going through it all, so logged onto the forums to ask if a winner had been announced and if I'd missed it. I'd entered the competition on Facebook and contacted them on the forum so they had no way of connecting the two people. The admin on the forum said 'actually we've just drawn the winner and will make an announcement in a couple of hours'.

Guess who won? ;)

I got absolutely loads of swag, which arrived today. I got notebooks, tshirts, a hoodie, 2 mugs, a signed poster, a faceplate for my XBox, a messenger bag, 2 torches (the game's weapon of choice is a torch) and best of all a limited edition version of the game, signed by all the guys who made it. I got a little misty eyed when I opened the game. ;)

So I'd like to say thank you again to all the folks over at Remedy for being so damned kind and generous. They even sent out girl's tshirts rather than just regular male mediums which I'd assumed they would be. They put a lot of thought into it and I'm really grateful. :)

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