
By 4Boys4Girls


Thank you to those who commented on yesterday's blip. I just wanted to add a little to what I posted yesterday as I'm not sure that the story came across in the way that I intended. Which when I think of it is not so easy to explain. I guess I am moved when I see Viggo picking flowers and I know that he is thinking of his Mom. But I am also filled with joy and happiness as I watch him as I too am thinking of Anette and our time together. I virtually never think sad thoughts, although I can feel the sadness inside, it doesn't really feel like sadness, it feels more like a reminder of life.

Not sure that is any clearer, but I feel a bit lighter having written that.

On to today's image: The boys have all discovered tennis with Leo and Viggo having lessons and Noah supporting them in his special way. They like to arrive early before the lesson and play a game when there is one person on one side of the net and all the others on the other side. the "team" side have to hit the ball in order (that is after one hits, then next must hit and so on until they have all had a chance). If the single player wins then s/he keeps serving. If s/he loses the point then the person who hit the ball from the team goes over and becomes the single player (called the "King".

Here Noah has joined in and is about to return the ball. Viggo is waiting behind him to go next.

If you view it large, you can see the determination on his face. The full sequence is over here.

After the game Leo and I were talking about moving to S Africa. He doesn't want to go. He loves his school and his friends here. We had a bit of a chat and he got to understand my feeling s a bit more.

I took a shot of Leo being sad (he said that I could) and almost posted it .. but I thought I'd go with the action shot since I posted Leo a couple of days ago (and it is Wimbledon).

Just to add a footnote to this: Noah saw the blip and asked me "did I get it over the net"?

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