Ingunn in Oslo

By IngunnInOslo


I spend some time in the Botanic Garden, and was satisfied with my "catch". So I was on my way leaving. I passed one of Norway's most popular folk musicians, Odd Nordstoga and The Master of Portraits in Norway, Morten Krogvold.

I nodded and smiled polite. After 8 steps I turned, saying: I can't believe what I just did! I'm passing by with my camera hanging around my neck and NOT asking to take a photo of you!? Odd smiled shy and said that putting it that way, he could not deny me a photo. Morten laughed and said he ought to say yes so that Morten himself could contact me in case his portraits of Odd didn't work out for the new cover - hahaha

I took 3 shots. I shook his hand introduced myself and left. But after I said to myself: I can't believe that I took a photo of Odd in front of Norway's master photographer and DIDN'T ask for some advice and took more than 3 shots!! Sometimes I'm amazed how slow my brain works.

LET ME SHARE WITH YOU MORTEN KROGSVOLD WORDS on his website. They are wonderful!
"I do not know why my pictures look the way they do. It has something to do with the subconscious and how we integrate our life experiences. Whatever we experience, see, hear and think is stored inside us. So I am on a journey of discovery trough an inner landscape created by the impulses and impressions from the outside world and my childhood".

Let me also share Odds song

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