Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Coalition Tankard

Now HERE'S an eccentric thing I hear you all cry! What on EARTH has she got there?

All is explained, I hope, when I tell you that I collect mugs. I have collected them since I was a small child (I used to have mug trees in my bedroom) and, for some reason, I've never been able to kick the habit!

So, on hearing that the new government was to be commemorated by a limited edition mug, I ordered one straight away - it came this morning, and jolly fine it is too! It will not be used to drink from, but will be displayed as one of the more exotic mugs in my collection.

I shall not declare my politics here (I try to avoid such things on the internet). This is not a post about politics, but about mug collecting - OK!!!!

Fortunately, my porcelain addiction is (almost) limited to mugs (although I have a bit of a thing for teapots too, but not as bad as mugs). I am therefore well able to resist the product that is advertised on the publicity that came with my Coalition Tankard - any guesses what it's for?

Yes, you're right - it's a porcelain Margaret Thatcher candle snuffer!

Well I never!

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