All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Rock DJ

Despite Ethan waking up at silly o'clock this morning, we still had a fab day. His sleeping habits are still rubbish and he still wakes several times during the night. As I just can't get him to settle without a feed I suspect controlled crying may be on the cards, although I'm still putting off doing it for the time being in the hope he'll miraculously improve all by himself!

We had a good mix of Mummy & Ethan play time with Ethan playing happily in his play gym by himself. This enabled me to get washing done and hung out on the line and also phoned the tax credits office to renew our claim. Not much in the big scheme of things but quite a productive morning for me these days!

At lunchtime we headed out to visit Mrs42 & Baby42. As Baby42 is about 3 months younger than Ethan and I'm still completely disorganised around the house, I was very impressed at how organised Mrs42 seemed to be! Had a really nice afternoon with them.

Ethan didn't sleep much during the day today either - just a catnap in the morning and a short nap in my arms in the afternoon. As a result, he was grumpy when I tried to feed him his solids at lunch and when hubbie tried to feed him dinner. We ended up doing his bedtime routine 1/2 hour earlier than usual tonight and he was in bed for 7.30pm. What time he wakes during the night as a result, remains to be seen!

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