
By bluesheep

bangbang liked the word enamored...

so I'll use it again. I'm so frickin enamored by my new camera. now I can actually capture detail and freeze motion! little specs of sand show up. and the background is blurred. and there is no noise. and I no longer have the dynamic range of a polaroid (no offense, I love them, but it makes a good comparison). gosh, this is just swell. not to mention there were actually clouds in the sky today which made for much more interesting first day shooting. fun times.

Going to a little gathering tonight. a ridiculous amount of people from my home town all happen to be in the city tonight and it'll be a good ol' reunion. so posting a bit earlier than usual.

It's been a long time since Adam made an appearance

me like:
water so good I could eat it
forest magic play time
sparkly sparkles!
the softer side
some dramatic processing
prettyful scenery

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