My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Freedom to enjoy.

I saw this couple on the banks of a river on Friday. They had a delicious looking cooler of snacks, he was reading a book and they seemed to be having a very happy time together.

It sadly seems to be a rare sight. You don't often see people enjoying a good pause.

There always seems to be time to shop, oh, all that shopping. And TV, computers, the list goes on. People do not seem to have time for one and other most of the time.
Not often do we see people make an effort to just be, quietly, like this, after a little effort to make a light picnic, choose a good book, and go to a lush peaceful place like this to enjoy it all.

So you can imagine my joy at seeing these two just enjoying themselves on a Friday morning, with no visible urge to leap up and go off to be busy. And they seemed to be enjoying each other's company too.

(I wrote an earlier caption saying how in our family there where not many moments like this as the women were serious domestic goddess's, & how it had put me off being one. But I think that was because I had just had two days emptying out a student house (in this heat) and was tired and grumpy.)

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