
By Fi

Just one more...

Tonight we had the Queen's Birthday Party, held in the garden of our Ambassador's Residence. It was a nice evening though very very hot and just swarmed with mozzies and other biting insects, which, penetrated the repellant that I had smothered on, to leave me absolutely covered with more bites than I could count. I react so badly to them, that I am left with horrible marks and patches of irritation. It's not attractive, it's not comfortable and it's a down-right nuisance.

So when the party ended at about 8.30ish, a crowd of us moved on to a bar in town to make the most of the evening. Chris didn't come with us initially, instead going home to finish packing for his early departure (tomorrow) but then surprised us all a couple of hours later when he returned for one last drink.

This really was the final goodbye and we miss him already.

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