The Meg-Star

Oops - no photies taken yesterday. But just for the record - it was a Friday night commute, after a heavy afternoon of training, for supper and the second England game with Stu , J, Linds and GP. I sneezed and sniffled my way through it, having picked up some dodgy germs which have been circulating our course all week. That and a pretty miserable 90 minutes of football meant that spirits weren't as high as they might have been. The weather was particularly misty and un-summers like so there was no al-fresco action either. I went home to my old room and my own bed (it's still there) where I used to live. Even the planes coming into land didn't bother me as I woke in familiar surroundings!

Spent the day with Linds (that's Ninny Salad to you lot) in Windsor and then to Walton to see this little superstar and her mum and dad. Meg has come on in leaps and bounds since I saw her in March - and I thought she looked great then. She's a bright as a button, very active and able. Such a difference in six months, when I visited her in Gt Ormond St Hospital. Her mum and dad continue to do a marvellous job of administering the drugs and feeding, which is still being done through the tube, something they hope to do away with by Christmas time. She's starting nursery next month and Rach will return to work. Positive times indeed.

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