jeni and the beans

By themessymama


It's been one of those days when the camera just hasn't been out. Haven't done anything particularly interesting! And then, after shopping, and sleeping, and dealing with infected spots (not pleasant, and Ben's daddy thought he'd lost Ben's trust forever - took a long time for Ben to like his daddy again), while daddy cooked, I blew bubbles for Ben to chase. Impossible to catch a photograph of that!! We ate outside, and then daddy made Ben laugh by doing keepy-uppy's on his arms with a ball.

These were my other two happy photos of the day though - When's blackberry season? I'm going to have to send this one to my mum. She loves blackberries, and it looks like there's going to be a bumper crop this year. And, it's a happy day when you can strip the bed in the morning, wash all the sheets, dry them all on the line, and have them ready to put back on the bed (onto our new summer duvet bought this morning) by evening.

Gotta love summer.

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