Fun times

...or "We have a Joseph"

Went over to my cousin's house this afternoon for a catch up. Wandered down the beach to my Aunty and Uncle's house as well. Corin found a kindred spirit in my Uncle Bob - they sat and talked about his fully restored BSA bike for ages!

Rob and I wandered over to the beach, up the dunes and down the other side, to go and catch the Seacat coming out to head for the Isle of Man. We waited, and waited, and decided that as it was long past it's departure time we would give up. Up the dunes we wandered, and lo and behold, the Seacat decides to depart! Am going to go back, because there is an interesting thing that happens with the wake wave which I want to capture.

Back to Robs, for chinese, Doctor Who, wine and a lot of silliness with the kids. The kids were fantastic - went off and played upstairs, then came down and joined us for further nonsense courtesy of "Uncle Rob". We also got to see the random selection of items that Marie has retrieved from the inside of animals after they have swallowed them accidentally (she's a vet, just to be clear!)

And then there was Joseph. He's a little shy! He definitely did not keep posing for photographs... no sir. Adorable, funny, outrageous. Loved him to bits.

So, R & M, thank you for a lovely evening. So good to catch up, lovely to see the kids, who do you credit, and great to see the old house for one last time!

See you soon

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