roots and wings

By rootsandwings

a perfect storm

catching up on some office work this morning, i was startled from concentration when the town's severe weather siren started wailing in the distance. as looking out the office windows only showed signs of blue skies and sunshine, the weather reports were consulted, and before long the whole office was bustling with excitement. powerful winds, large hail, downpour, lightening, and maybe even a tornado was being forecasted. of course the only sensical thing to do was open the fortress doors (we have a lot of big boats, and have garage doors to match) and watch the sky. big black clouds were moving quickly in the distance. and excitement was mounting. i snapped this shot before the sky darkened too much, as we waited in anticipation.

unfortunately, the build up was much more exciting than the storm. we saw no hail, no tornado, and only a tad bit of lightening. though the strong winds and powerful downpour as thunder crashed in the distance provided a wonderful break from website editing.

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