Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Buffalo, just the start of the troubles.

I got annoyed with Vista today. So annoyed that in a study break I had a browse of the student offers for a Windows 7. Got a fantastic deal on Windows 7 Professional upgrade and Microsoft Office Professional Academic 2010. Now this is all well and good. I get it downloaded and then it takes the rest of the afternoon and in to the night to get all my info backed up. Guess installing will have to wait until tomorrow.

In other news: Now Milo has tipped the 200g mark I'm looking to moving her up to bigger mice. Gave her a shot at a large mouse today. I disturbed her from her sleep so it took a while to wake up but then she was on it and after a bit of effort manage it. It left a nice big bulge in her tummy so I was happy and I'm pretty sure she was too.

This shot is of the external hard drive that my laptop is being transferred to.

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