
By waterliefje

Fodr ????

Welcome in Bogota (Colombia)

the city that never ever sleeps....

11.000 taxi's in Bogota !
Bogota city has 12 million people ! (could be 20 million when their was not so much accidents in travic)

NO seasons in whole Colombia ! !

I spotted this truck....analfabetic is not strange here in this country.
Bogota is a town with 70 % really poor people....
I really mean poor ...living in the hills, no electricity our water (our they steal it from the neighbours)
But their are proud people ! Proud of their land...even it is a land from corruption .... you love it our you hate it.....

The problem here is that you never ever can take a walk during daylight (even not in the night).... especially as a women it is dangerous !
So many people get killed ! One moment the gouverment inspected a hill afther they found a dead body from a women....they found 1200 dead people on that hill....all be killed ! children, women, man....terrible !

It was really difficoult for me to make photo's ....alwas be carefull were and from what you wanna take a photo...I was carefull !

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