
By scharwenka

Adolescent Beauty

The horticultural themes return!

About a week ago, I was contemplating the group of roses to which this one belongs, and I was admiring the colour-shading of the petals. At that stage, I obviously began to think of their suitability for a Blip, but idleness intervened, I'm sorry to say.

As a result, @iamamro beat me to the post with his lovely Dying Beauty picture (Amro: 27 June On the other hand, as one who himself has reached the age when his own colours fade and bits fall off, I thought the comparison with a rose just coming into bloom might be interesting. So here is this Adolescent Rose, just a hair's breadth from reaching its full maturity. I enjoy contemplating such things, it has to be said.

Talk about "June Bu(r)sting Out", even if this 'photo was taken on the very last day of the month. I see that @ViolaMaths was making her own pictures in the garden at the same time, and the roses involved are on the far right of her contribution. The taller one was the rose I was going to photograph originally, but it is now a little too old to qualify for "adolescence". The lower rose at the extreme right is the one selected for my Blip of today.

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