The Rennisons Down Under!

By rennisonsinoz

Tinkerbell is not happy

It has been a huge couple of days for our tiny poodle Tink.

She knew yesterday morning when she got to go in the car without her best mate Merlin that something wasn't quite right and she cried all the way to that nasty place we humans call 'the vets'
Even though all her operations were for her own good I still feel like the bad person who took her into see 'the vet'

As you can see she is not very impressed with her new hat but she has to keep it on so we will try and make her feel pretty soon with some hair accessories!

She had a huge operation yesterday - baby teeth removed, hernia, sterilised and her leg amputated - I would still be knocked out or moaning but she has picked herself up and ran out of the vets with plenty of kisses for us all.
I thought poodles were a bit 'wimpy' but she has proved me wrong and she is the toughest little dog ever!
I'm sure she will be feeling much better soon and when her hair is grown and groomed she will be back to her usual self but until then she is being even more spoilt than she usually is!

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