pic 'n' mix

By Rromas

One man's trash...

I had noticed with interest the Madrileño habit of leaving unwanted household goods and assorted tat on on the street of an evening, apparently done with the specific purpose of the neighbours sweeping down like vultures to take their share of the spoils.

This struck me as an innovative approach to recycling so, whilst clearing out my flat, I decided to conduct a small-scale experiment. I left a box outside my flat (itinerary below) and left the scene for 30 minutes.

Assorted nonesuch:
1 1980s boombox with radio, cassette deck and integrated analogue TV
3 lengths plastic tubing
1 analogue television aerial
1 length purple ribbon
1 basic mobile phone with charger and earphones
3 rolls sellotape
1 book novelty transfers
1 set Allen keys in sealable plastic bag
2 pads mini post-it notes
1 hardback copy of "The Color Purple" (Spanish)
1 hardback copy of "Högni" (Spanish)
1 paperback copy of "Europa: una tarea inacabada"
1 promotional Estrella Damm straw hat

The 30 minutes up, I returned to asses the progress. Everything (apart from the box) had gone. I searched the local bins to see if a fastidious neighbour had decided to dispose of my eyesore, but to no avail. Yes, each one of those gorgeous items now has a new home. Environmentalism at its very best.

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