A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Making stuff

The 'boys' set off early this morning for a day at the next round of J's chess championship so me and A had a full day together. This has been the cause of much excitement and planning and I think we have ticked everything off the list - just!

So we've had ballet, shopping for tomorrow's picnic, swimming, lunch, playground, making pasta, decorating wrapping paper, making cards and cooking Brownies. Most of which are included on this image. There's also a sneaky corner of another homemade project which is a little bit secret until its given to the birthday recipient tomorrow.

J returned with a rosette which meant a non too shabby 3.5 points gained. Especially given that he mainly plays boys a year older than himself he is rightly very pleased with his achievement and we are very proud of him. Even if having bred a chess whizz is a little surprising to us both.

Now to turn that pasta dough into strips and create some sort of meal before watching the Spain game.

A tippety-toppety day around here. Hope yours was too.
Lesley x

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