Wagnerian sky

A nice relaxing day. Out for coffee and a blether , and, Edinburgh being Edinburgh, we bumped into someone else.

And I bought some books. I was inspired by swotty Magpie to get a photography book. However I have found this website which covers everything I need to know, so I saved myself a few quid.

Made myself a very tasty tea too. And rounded it off with Scottish strawberries,. Yum yum.

I am watching Stephen Fry on Wagner which is good. Although it seems to be almost identical to the programme that Michael Portillo made about Wagner in 2002 (I think).

The BBC could maybe have saved a wee bit cash and just shown Portillo's programme. (I am pretty sure that the Portillo programme was 2002, because it was a couple of weeks before I went to see Parsifal at the Festival Theatre, which was marvellous, but I really should have worn my special socks.

In other news, I have spent rather a lot of time looking at this photo.

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