Refining the Edges

By refiningedges


I'm feeling very sad about Mr. Birdie, the Jay that I showed you a few photos ago. He must have been attacked by a predator, as you can see from this photo. His feathers have been damaged in several places. You can see the bare white shafts of the feathers if you look closely. When it rains, he will not be able to stay dry and warm, as the dampness will reach his body.

I have become quite attached to him and feel quite a bit of sorrow about this lovely bird who has kept me company for several years. He brings me lots of joy.

He has kept to himself and has not been appearing in the window, asking for peanuts. I have even wondered if this is not Mr. B., but rather his more timid mate. That would explain the avoidant behavior. Then what happened to Mr. B.?

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