Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

The Historian

So you're a history buff, huh Mom.

Yes, but only certain history.

What makes you feel so passionately about the past?

The 1st time I visited Dachau Concentration Camp in my early 20's, I read the quote upon leaving the concentration camp museum that said, "Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it".


And that was very powerful because the whole experience of learning how Jewish people were systematically abused and murdered was in my mind the ultimate inhumanity to man.

Do you think that this experience marked the start of your deep passion for history?

No, not the start. I became interested in high school but this was the turning point in my wanting to learn more.

Your Grandmother introduced you to Europe when you were 17 years old. What impact did that trip have on you?

I adored meeting my many relatives from Italy. I was able to live their lifestyle for the time that I was over there. I immediately felt the strong sense of family ties that transcended the two countries and the lapse in not knowing each other.

And how was that life style different from home?

Everything was old. There was a lot of family around. They loved my Nona and I was always so close to her. I admired my Grandmother, my Nona, for being such an independent woman. I was so proud that she could speak about five languages. English, Italian, Spanish, French and a bit of German. I didn't know that before the trip. After spending several weeks in Italy, she took us to other great European cities. She was 65 years old and watched over us, her four Granddaughters, as though her whole life depended on it.

I would have loved to have known her back then.

Oh yeah, you would have gotten along really well with her. She liked spunk.

So from that time on and the whole experience of seeing Dachau, I became interested in other acts of inhumanity. I really started to gain an interest in slavery.

Is this why your travels have taken you down to the South?

When we travel, I always research the cities that we are going to and if there is ever an opportunity to experience the Holocaust , The American Revolution, The Civil War, or Slavery, I make every attempt to visit these locations.

How does being there make you feel?

Like a better person. More understanding of the plight of others. More introspective of how it applies to our own current world situation.

What information do you hope to pass along to your Grandchildren?

Well I'm trying to teach my 4 year old Grandson who the first President of the United States was.

And who does he think the first President was?

Barack Obama (laughs)

I want him to know about the first President. George Washington. And what a good man he was. But he owned slaves. And even though his slaves knew that they served the most important man in the colonies, they would have rather been free. And what we can learn about that is that every human being deserves to be free and treated with respect. And given an opportunity to flourish.

You recently toured the East Coast.

Yes, we spent a month traveling by car from Boston to Rhode Island, to Maryland, to Virginia, to DC, to Pennsylvania and back to Boston. I don't know that our route is really all that important.

But if you don't record it now, how will future generations know about the trip that was one of your most memorable? Maybe one day, one of your Grandkids will want to follow your same route. Experience the travels that you lived.

Oh wouldn't that be cool.

Do you hope to include your Grandchildren on future historical travels?

Absolutely. But I want them to be interested. And if they are not interested yet, I'd rather take them to Disney World. (laughs) I've learned that my passion for history is one that is not shared by all. I've been pretty fortunate to convince Dad to take these trips with me and he has given me the freedom to plan the excursions that are meaningful to me.

And Dad's happy as long as he gets in on the good food right?

Oh yeah, he loves the food. He's happy if he's fed well, gets to get his exercise in from time to time, and gets ample time to play around with priceline.com on his iphone. No, he enjoys our trips together. He just doesn't have the extreme passion for the historical significance like I do.

Well you ARE the most devoted historian I have ever met Mom.

We could go to Mt. Vernon and I would enjoy learning new historical facts while he enjoys the gardens, the architecture, and the finishing touches on the craftsmanship found within the old homes.

So you two are good at traveling together.

Oh yeah, we are a really good pair. I also like to see Broadway plays on our trips. He doesn't seem to LOVE them as much as I do.....and I don't understand why?

Maybe that's why you've been nicknamed a Diva perhaps?

Perhaps. (laughs)

Thanks for the interview Mom.

You are welcome my dearest darling.

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