Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Mum and Dad by Buncle

Travelling worked out nicely today.

We left Stirling by 11am and made good time down to Stranraer arriving an hour before we were due to sail. Better performance than last year when we got caught in traffic and were waving to our ferry heading down loch Ryan as we were still driving towards Stranraer:-( I had called ahead though when we got stopped and we headed off on the next boat. However, no such calamities this year.

The crossing was a wee bit choppy but nothing really. I much prefer Stena to the other operators...did the Troon crossing one year and they just didn't have the facilities for the kids so it's the HSS for us all the time now. It's a nice drive down to Stranraer as well and your right in to Belfast so the drive down to Dundrum is shorter.

After a day of travelling our first stop before we head to the house is Murlough beach...we'll be there a lot this's a great beach and is 5 minutes from the house. We go down there and let the kids and the Weimaraner blow off some steam.

Buncle, our seven year old, called Mr R and i over this evening, he had been working on something for a couple of was a portrait of Mr R and me...we were quite impressed.

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