
By 4Boys4Girls

30 kronor

Every day the kids get 20 kronor (Swedish crowns) to spend at tennis. This covers a drink and some sweets (they've supposedly just had breakfast at home).

Leo saved 10kr yesterday so today he had 30 kr to spend. However he skipped breakfast at home. When we got to tennis he spent at least 30 minutes trying to convince me that he shouldn't have to spend HIS money on a toasted sandwich (15kr) as that was his breakfast and therefore I should pay for it.

It didn't work. So here is his 30kr, a drink, a toasted sandwich and some sweets in his pocket.

As an aside, Swedish kids normally only get sweets (goodis) on a Saturday, and they almost never get sodas to drink (or at least mine never do), but in the summer everyone gets a bit crazy and so I thought "what the hell" let them have whatever they want.

This one almost made my daily blip: The one tennis class playing the other class. Click the image to see others .. I like them all :)

Here's a pretty one of Noah. Noah doesn't like seeing himself in b&w so i had to do it in color. He also doesn't like seeing his friend Hanna in b&w but I thought she looked so good that I'm posting it anyway.

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