By wellsforzoe

What a Greeting!

The women on the left are part of a 12 strong meitheal who traveled 50 km from Mzgora on dirt roads, in the back of a pick up, yesterday to help villagers, they hadn?t seen before, to build a fish pond/ water storage area, in Sonda
They are dressed in their very best Sunday Church Clothes and both groups are dancing as a greeting.
Some Sonda villagers had previously gone to Mzgora to help them complete a dam, as they have now become, (in 6 months) experts in the process.

Harisen's Note:

Sorry for the delay in sending pictures, the internet again.
On the pictures;
Sonda guys welcoming friends from Mzgola while singing and dancing.
Chief Unyolo from Sonda and Chief Kapazuka from Mzgola were also present.

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