or so they'd like to think

Uploaded 06/07/2010

Whilst people with far too much money for their brain to sensibly control often demonstrate their hideous taste and inability to spend wisely by installing fruit machines in their house, cladding the exterior of their house with mock-Tudor beamery or buying a particularly tasteless form of idiot-car to park outside their house the people of [somewhere which could have been either Prestwick or Ayr] evidently prefer less subtle means of exhibiting their limited mental resources. A chance wandering on the way back from a very nice meal which we didn't have to pay for as it arrived about three hours after we ordered it took us past this, safely after midnight for blip-purposes. I popped back after a sleep when the light was slightly more existent but the text wasn't as clear when the hideous garden-accoutrements visible behind it were more brightly-lit.

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