
By wonderfulworld

Fresh Strawberry

Got home tonight after a lovely meal in Dublin with a friend (at least the company was lovely, D was very unimpressed with the Risotto served up, in fact it was so unRisotto-like that it was a "blatant disregard for the customer". The Pesto Genovese was just ok), to find a bag of fresh, home grown lettuce and strawberries on my doorstep. A neighbour who grows up the road must have left them for me.

The strawberries are delicious. These are not the same strawberries that you get in the supermarket, in fact supermarket strawberries are so unstrawberry-like that I will not be buying them there again. THESE are how strawberries should taste. It is a blantant disregard for our taste buds to expect us to eat the oversized, tasteless red things in the shops.

So D won't be going back to that Italian in Dublin 4 and I won't be buying strawberries in the supermarket anymore. It has been an educational day.

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