
By tookie


Ecstatic is the word! That's how we feel to have goose and gander back "home" to Washington state;) There were no glitches in the flights and we all arrived at the baggage claim about the same time...gander was waiting at the bottom of the escalator and I just burst into tears of happiness at seeing him...then we walked over to the carrassel and there was goose so I broke out into more tears of happiness and giant hugs continued on and on:) We had brought drinks for them in a cooler , put a cabbage on the floor to simulate their worst bus ride on which they had cabbage underfoot, we ate lunch at crossroads mall , talked and talked and hugged and visited. Gave them a book of their entire blog from the year. We played farkel---gander beating me every time! We had a dinner with all the requested dishes--greek salad, buttered parsley potatoes, tuna patties, garam masala patties, and two Indian dishes--and topped it off with Riesling and Big R's chocolate peanut butter pie with caramelized bananas! They met Sadie and Martin gave his pet pals Cowboy and Pooters big hugs. We watched a dvd show of some of their pictures from the year . What a great and long anticipated homecoming!!! Hugs were passed on to them for goose's parents for sure too!!! Lots of texting to family and friends and then a good nights long awaited sleep:)

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