Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky


I love my Haribos. Not sure if I've blipped them before but they're really one of my big loves. They're really love or hate too, I often offer them to people and they look at me as though I've offered them dog shit on toast. 'They're plastic!' they cry. No, they're not. They're made of tiny cells of awesome.

Today I bought a bag at lunchtime and got halfway through before feeling really sick. This doesn't normally happen, I've known myself to eat two (big) bags in a sitting. I must be getting old and my taste buds are going. I actually ate them then took a drink of water and the water tasted like drinking mercury. Not a good sign.

So, to save myself, I gave them to a work colleague to hide somewhere. She made a joke about eating the rest. Well I hope she was joking.I want some now.

Helped said colleague with an eBay sale tonight too. She sold her antique art deco sofa. I went to see it for the first time after helping her put it on eBay and have to admit, it was in a bit of a worse state than I thought it would be. But the guy bought it fair and square - he was given the chance to come see it but didn't. It wasn't awful (and the listing didn't lie or even stretch the truth), I guess I'm just used to new furniture. But he came and he was delighted with it. Before he arrived though we sat like true white trash on the sofa in the front garden. All that was missing was the White Lightning...

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