Courage Is The Price

By courage

Book of Facts

On the train today I was muchly amused by the conversation between two teenage emo types (yes that's right, I know the lingo).

One girl was going on about how intense she is, how her moods are all over the place and some days people just know to keep away from her. Ah, teens. Then as people were filing off the train she asked her friend if she has any facts for her. It turns out she has a 'Book of Facts' where she logs little bits of info people give her.

How cool is that?! Imagine being so inquisitive that you go around gathering together everyone's little bits of useless knowledge? Imagine being old and sitting looking through your book at all the wisdom you've gathered and remembering the people who shared it with you. I like that, there's something romantic about it.

My facts for today:

An anemometer is a tool that measures wind speed. (Fact courtesy of Caroline's 'word of the day' service.)

ITV are using psychometric testing to measure whether their execs are up to their jobs (I'd be telling them where to shove their tests).

Saving an image as a PNG24 enables you to maintain image quality without losing transparency.

Sellotape is not enough to trap a man in a cupboard.

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