Horses Under Starlight

By judyboo


A highlight of Hoop Gathering was getting to hang out with Safire. I first discovered her on youtube, having randomly come across a video of a girl hoop dancing, I then searched for tutorials and Safire has uploaded many.

She has created an online community for hoopers and as well as hooping all over the world she creates video classes you can download and learn to hoop dance from her.

Basically she is an awesome person. She has fabulous clothes too. She gave a workshop which included tips for knee hooping and chest hoping and how to push yourself futher and try things you wouldnt normally try, like walking around whilst knee hooping.

I managed quite well to not be totally in awe of her the whole weekend although I did tell her on the last day that she is my hoop inspiration - because who wouldn't want to hear that? :)

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