Manic MorFF's Pics

By manicmorff


Busy day, so here's a representative blip tonight.

As mentioned in a previous blip, the boy turned nine yesterday.

Today, we took him and a couple of friends from our street to a nearby laser-tag place.

For the uninitiated, you get a laser gun and body pack and you run about in the semi-dark, with dry-ice type fog and loud background music, shooting anything that moves, and also some things that don't. We've been a couple of times in recent weeks.

At the end of each game, you get a very detailed set of statistics detailing your rank in the game, how many times you shot each of your opponents, hit ratios, shots fired, underpant colour, etc.

I wasn't too shabby at it, won all the games. But then I was mainly playing against 8-12 year olds. They treated me like Gulliver invading their kingdom, and all targeted me, but the old head won out in the end.

Then a bunch of uni-age guys with long hair and in goth/rock t-shirts and bizarre nicknames arrived for one of the games. I thought, "oh-oh, these are the guys that play this all the time; I'm toast."

I was right, and wrong. I won. Only just, but I won. I rocked.
I wish they had laser tag when I was young, it's fab.

The boy loved it too.

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