A wee bit of this & that

By frayedattheedge

It's raining again

So...what's a girl to do but check out her pressed flower collection. What d'u mean watching paint dry is more fun?

There was a reason for this (and not just the boredom of 24 hours of solid rain); I wanted to have a play about with some design ideas. The rest of the day has been spent knitting, desigining and placing some stuff on ebay to make space in my flat for more stuff.

Hope you're enjoying the weekend whatever you're up to and whether you're sweltering in the heat or shivering in the rain (like me) here's some music from
the trunk of funk.

Also backblipped rock'n'graffiti as I've not been lazy butrather trying to sort out my iPhone after it crashed trying to upload the new update. Pah! Technology!

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