
By Madz


Ok, hey blip.
It me, Madeleine.
I havent been blippoing well in the last month.
I miss days and then backblip for about 2 weeks and its just not good.

When I started Blip I was exploring and I was facsinated by everything around me, These days my life has been very busy and I find myself without the time to blip every night. and I dont like backblipping, If I have a photo I want you to see it now.

I started blipping because of If you could see me now

I started blipping with Cool Beans, Dude In April last year, She has recently started blipping regulary again because her life has settled down somewhat and she has the time and she misses it.

At the moment I feel like Im blipping just for the sake of blipping, Im not writing about my day, Im not capturing the moment. Im just filling up spaces in a calender and thats not what blipping is about.

So I think you know where Im going with this.
Im saying bye, but not really. I feel like Im moving out of home. going to live in the real world by myself for a while, but still come back home to see mum and dad every now and then and tell them about whats going on in my Life.

the time has come.
Man I feel corny writing this,
I dont want to.
but Im kinda doing it anyway,

Thanks for being here, and checking out my entries.
Ill be back soon enough,

I chose this photo because it reminded me of one of my earliest blips. not much has changed when you think about it.

Until then

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