
As you can see, I have a big tool in my hands. A big, heavy tool. It's the neighbours jackhammer, left with me overnight. My postholes went from 400mm, to around 450, straight through rock. The huge advantage of this was that I put a layer of concrete in the bottom of the holes late this afternoon.

So a checklist for the weekend:
1. Box built.
2. Box levelled and squared.
3. Post holes dug.
4. Concrete base laid in post holes.

And one knackered 42 year old. That jackhammer was no lightweight machine. Did I mention as well that I whacked my thumb with the hammer yesterday. That has finally stopped throbbing. I am quite proud of my bruised thumbnail actually.

Now I am looking forward to next weekend. Putting the posts in and levelling out the base, ready for the crusher dust.

Joe commented last night asking if I am going to BBQ an elephant on it. No, but it will make for a really rustic entertainment area when it is done.

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