From the North

By Tawastian

The pier pirates

We spent the whole day on the strand of a swamp-like lake where the local Karelian society organizes a strand day every year. That's what they've done for over 40 years now to foster and strengthen the moribund Karelian culture. The day was very classic like the other strand days before. There was swimming, having sauna, grilling, good food and desserts (of course) and a nice circle of people. Water temperature was 26°C (surface water) and air about 29°C. It's somewhat hot weather here in Finland now - and I burned my skin once again in the sun.

The pier of that strand is quite a funny thing. In many summers past we have tried to 'sink' it by swinging it from side to other by grabbing on its ladder curves. Our cousins' mother has used to call us "the pier pirates" because our sinking attempts but happily we didn't success to make the pier sink - not even this year. Ha.

Took lots of good shots today and that's why it was hard to decide which one to blip so therefore blipped a 4-in-1 blip.

Left upper corner: Cousin #1 with his little too big cap being hideous and spying people on the car.

Right upper corner: The drake we spotted when we were standing on the pier. My cousins thought it would eat potatoes but it didn't want to. They tried to lure it come nearer by "ducky, ducky, ducky, ducky, ducky, ducky, ducky" phrases but it didn't even look at them.

Lower left corner: Cousin #2 running on the pier. You can also spot my tire styled swim ring.

Lower right corner: My father swimming. He's a good swimmer even he swims very seldom.

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